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3 years ago...

Writer: melissamarsmelissamars

I was writing TOUCH GENERATION... that became THE LAST TOUCH GENERATION... and finally THE LAST TOUCH.

This memory post is particularly close to my heart because you really never know the power of social media until you see it... You also never know who really see your posts (with the constant algorithms rules FB and IG keep changing...) until a heart pops up (and let’s be honest even those likes are most of the times given with a quick swipe) or better, until a comment is posted. Anyways... we keep posting, like we would throw a message in a bottle... And sometimes the magic happens.

So... when I posted this post, three years ago, that was the first time I was sharing about my writing journey. It may seem nothing to you, but just another post. For me it was a different story. When I clicked “post”, I was shaking and blushing. I felt actually really shy and bold, like I was exposing myself naked, revealing my hidden dreams, revealing about what I do as an artist when I’m not in the spotlight, wondering who really cares?

Well... I really had no idea.

When I posted this post three years ago, a friend actually did see it. I hope I’m not putting him on a spot (well I am… but I mean well :), Eric Mizrahi... who is a fantastic cinematographer and movie director, saw my post and sent me a private message.

Eric, who was in Israel, asked me if he could read my short, and what I was planning to do… “Well…” While there was a little shy voice who was wishing I could make it a “real” film, I would shush it. Because I had just moved to NY and had very little connections as far as making a low-budget movie, (to not say no-budget), and at that point, it was “just” a project for my acting class. So I was probably gonna film it myself with my camera and it would most likely look like shit because I have no lights, and cinematography is far from being my area of expertise. "What can I do?" When I told him, Eric wished he could be in NY, or had I been making this in L.A, he had more connections there, (and so did I…) Though the idea at the core of the 3-page script was so exciting, and I was so humbled that it was for him too, that quickly the conversation took an unexpected turn: Eric made it his personal mission to find me a cinematographer. “Wait, what? But how?…” His enthusiasm, his support, his encouragement were unbelievable! He promised he would find someone… and he did… After a few emails, introductions, schedules conflicts, the hope went up and down the roller coaster… all in about less than 48 hours: Yaniv Glaser, the super cinematographer he introduced me to, who had also just moved to NY, was… in… and did a WONDER with what we had.

The magic of social media… who would have known…

Today when the memory popped up… I got so overwhelmed with gratitude for Eric, Yaniv, as well as my co-star James Kacey and everyone who supported me in making THE LAST TOUCH…

And now 3 years later, THE LAST TOUCH is making its way to festivals. After a premiere at PITTSBURGH SHORTS, L’HIFF in Spain will happen in September 2021... and hopefully more to come. Fingers (& toes) crossed.




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